
Twitter, your opinion, you and OnlyFans

Your opinion is worth more than you think


In contrast to the other traffic sources, Twitter is not quite as content-focused. 

On Twitter, it's much more about your own opinion and that you are perhaps a bit, even controversial.


The account has like most platforms also a banner and profile picture, there you can take whole normal pictures of you that are relaxed charming.

Otherwise, you can also design the bio according to your own feeling.

Reach and your opinion

To build reach on Twitter, you need to have a personality. That means not only uploading your own content (which you can do from time to time, of course), but simply sharing your opinion.

Be it as a normal tweet (post) in your profile or as a retweet (repost), reply (answer) where you firstly try to bring your personality with you and secondly try to beat you on one side or between two sides, so that many people become aware of you and then a discussion is formed around you and your opinion, which causes excitement.

Create yourself an interesting person who does and experiences cool things. Simply so that people get to know you and are interested to see more.


That was it actually also in the whole. In theory not so difficult, but in practice then more complex than you think.

If you still have questions about the topic, you are welcome to book a free call with us where we will give you tips, even if it does not end up being a collaboration with us.

Get to know us and OnlyFans and find out if this is something for you.

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